Special Event Security

Security In Unpredictable Environments

Whether it’s a sporting event with tens of thousands, or a business retreat with just a hundred attendees, special events present a unique set of security challenges. Nothing can be left to chance. Which is why you need the experience and track record of the MSA Special Events Team.

Deploying trained security professionals drawn from law enforcement and the military, we use the latest in metal and bomb detection equipment to ensure your event takes place in a secure environment.

We have a long history of excellence in special events security, protecting venues hosting events including:

  • Concerts

  • Sporting events

  • Major conferences

  • Graduations

  • Galas

  • Corporate events

  • Religious gatherings

  • Business retreats

  • Shareholder meetings

The MSA Special Events Team is fully-trained to mitigate hazardous material incidents, hostile intruders, unauthorized trespassers, as well as suspicious or unattended packages.

Let MSA worry about your event security so you don't have to. Contact a representative today.

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  • Ipsum

    Cras elit neque, imperdiet eu dignissim ut, dictum a tortor. Ut vitae malesuada eros, eu rutrum velit. Vestibulum et ex id lorem faucibus blandit nec quis nunc. Suspendisse consequat ornare neque, eget porttitor erat pretium a.

Vestibulum pretium varius diam vitae

Maecenas vitae sem non nulla sagittis eleifend a vel nunc. Donec suscipit est non magna sodales malesuada. Nunc a tincidunt augue, vulputate feugiat nulla. Nulla magna arcu, pretium eu efficitur eget, auctor id turpis.