Kerry Mulcahy

The fourth of July, Independence Day, is a big weekend for travel, picnics and fireworks. The Bomb Dogs of MSA have some tips to keep your family, friends and canines safe, while having fun during this holiday!

EDCs of MSA having fun during holiday

If fireworks are legal in your state, bomb dog Irene encourages you to be cautious when handling and observing them. Always store and light them in a safe, dry area. Be sure to keep pets and children a safe distance away from the presence of fireworks. Also, keep a supply of water nearby when operating the fireworks as a precaution. While firework displays are fun to attend, they can be a potential fire hazard and extremely loud, which can especially bother children and pets.

EDC Irene Encourages You to be Cautious

Bomb dog Nan reminds you that you should never drive after consuming alcohol! Necessary driving skills are impaired after drinking.  If you plan on drinking, make sure to assign a designated driver in order to keep the passengers in your car and all other travelers out on the road safe this weekend. Do not get into a car with a driver who has been drinking either! Focus on the road, take it slow, and put your cellphone away while behind the wheel. Since the fourth of July is a huge weekend for travel, buckle your seat belt and stop for breaks if driving a long distance in order to stay alert to arrive at your destination safely!

EDC Nan reminds you to never drive after consuming alcohol

Bomb dog Kale urges you to be vigilant while around water! For many people, the fourth of July is synonymous with the beach or a pool. Be sure to use the buddy system and have a constant eye on children and pets. Remain in designated swimming areas in sight of lifeguards at all times. If you find yourself caught in a rip current, be sure to remain calm and swim parallel to the shore!

 EDC Kale urges you to be vigilant while around water

Bomb dog Payton advises you to keep your pets at home while attending firework displays. Many pets have bad reactions to the loud sounds that fireworks create. So be sure to keep music or a TV on to dull the loud sounds. Also make sure their collar is on with an up to date ID and have a recent photo of your pets in the event that they become lost. If they are outside at an outdoor BBQ or party, be sure to keep human food and drinks away from pets and make sure they have access to water and shade!

EDC Payton advises you to keep your pets home whie attending firework displays

 EDC Shadow encourages the use of sunscreen and bug spray while outside, whether it is at the beach or a BBQ. Reapplying is the key to prevent sunburn and bug bites. Remember that mosquitos and ticks are a major health concern for humans and pets alike. Be sure to check for ticks on family members and pets. The sun’s rays can be very strong, especially in the afternoon. Wearing sunglasses, taking cover in the shade when possible, and staying hydrated are some preventative measures to ensure the fourth of July is enjoyable for everyone!

EDC Shadow encourages the use of sunscreen and bug spray while outside

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